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Spanish for English-speaking children. Futuro Imperfecto de Indicativo
Maxim Malkov

Tatiana Oliva Morales

The tutorial examines Futuro Imperfecto de Indicativo with detailed explanations and examples. It contains 7 exercises for translation of negative, affirmative and interrogative sentences, including questions to the subject and the definition of the subject, from English into Spanish according to the adapted method © Linguistic Reanimator. It is an exercise book (each exercise contains lines to write). The exercises 3 – 7 have the keys. It is recommended for the children from the age of five.

Spanish for English-speaking children

Futuro Imperfecto de Indicativo

Tatiana Oliva Morales

Maxim Malkov

Illustrator Tatiana Oliva Morales

Cover designer Tatiana Oliva Morales

Photograph Anastasia Malkova

© Tatiana Oliva Morales, 2019

© Maxim Malkov, 2019

© Tatiana Oliva Morales, illustrations, 2019

© Tatiana Oliva Morales, cover design, 2019

© Anastasia Malkova, photos, 2019

ISBNВ 978-5-0050-1094-0

Created with Ridero smart publishing system


It is allowed only with the written permission ofВ the author toВ choose the method ofВ presentation ofВ this tutorial inВ order toВ teach or write the manuscript ofВ the textbook, namely: put foreign / Russian words inВ parentheses or as the corresponding Russian / foreign equivalents, mark aВ sentence with special symbols as shown inВ this book; reprint, reproduce byВ electronic means or inВ any other way the entire book or any part ofВ it.

From the author

This tutorial can be studied byВ yourself. If you need an additional advice or classes, you can always contact me. Consultations / classes inВ person and byВ Skype are possible.

My contact information

Skype: oliva-morales

E-mail: oliva-morales@mail.ru


Tatiana Oliva Morales

About the series В© Linguistic Reanimator

About the series В© Linguistic Reanimator

All work and textbooks ofВ the series В© Linguistic Reanimator significantly reduce the learning period ofВ aВ foreign language and improve the quality ofВ memorization and the perception ofВ new words and normative grammar ofВ aВ foreign language byВ the students.

The method has the advantage ofВ presenting the sentences for translation inВ the exercises. The foreign words-clues are given inВ parentheses inВ each sentence. While using this technique aВ person who has never studied English / Spanish before and has no vocabulary, can translate from English into Spanish or from Spanish into English just inВ the first lesson.

The technique allows you toВ learn new words and phrases inВ English / Spanish from exercise toВ exercise easily and quickly, toВ fine-tune and improve the skills ofВ correct translation into aВ foreign language, toВ train interpretation skills. Each textbook or workbook ofВ this series can be used as aВ tutorial.

All the tutorials ofВ the series В© Linguistic Reanimator were written В«for the difficult studentsВ» who needed toВ obtain aВ lot ofВ quality knowledge inВ aВ short period ofВ time. This is the purpose ofВ the tutorials ofВ this series.

The series В© Linguistic Reanimator can be recommended toВ pre-school children, schoolchildren, students, as well as toВ aВ wide variety ofВ people who study English or Spanish at school, university, courses, with aВ tutor or independently.

All translation exercises from English into Spanish and from Spanish into English are adapted using foreign words (clues) inВ the technique ofВ В© Linguistic Reanimator. All the exercises have the keys.

InВ these tutorials IВ tried toВ discover the main difficulties that are found inВ English / Spanish, the difficulties because ofВ which the students ofВ this language make the most common mistakes.

The tutorials contain detailed and accessible explanations on each ofВ the topics and aВ large number ofВ adapted exercises toВ translate from English into Spanish and from Spanish into English toВ improve the acquired knowledge.

Special designations

… – there must be a definite or indefinite article here.

Books (libro..) – a few points after a noun means that the noun must be in plural.

! – It is necessary to think what preposition must be before the group of words that follow later.

* – irregular verb.

He (él) – is an English word and its equivalent in Spanish.

2. read (lees) 1. you (tú) – the numbers before the words mean the order of these words in the sentence, in this case, this order will be correct: 1. you (tú) 2. read (lees).

in (-) – this word does not need to be translated into English.

How Max learns Spanish

My co-author, Maxim Malkov, is an eight-year-old schoolboy. He finished the second grade at an elementary school inВ Moscow. IВ am his Spanish teacher.

Maxim Malkov

It’s summer now, but he doesn’t waste time and continue to learn Spanish on Skype.

When the summer holidays began, IВ proposed toВ Max toВ undertake aВ fascinating journey through English grammar, and my future co-author gladly accepted my invitation.

Конец ознакомительного фрагмента.

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